Waiting for Butterflies

{April 5, 2010}   Short hair and boys.

I got my hair cut recently.  It was at least halfway down my back and I decided to donate it to locks of love in favor of a new, short style.  I’ve done this a couple of times in the past as well, but it’s been a few years since I’ve had short hair.  To make yet another SATC reference, I modeled it after Carrie’s short hair in season 5.

Whenever I cut my hair, I feel simultaneously confident and unsure of it.  I usually get a lot of compliments, but is that because it is so different or because it actually looks nice?  I feel like it makes me look a little more sophisticated, which is nice because I sometimes get mistaken for a teenager, but let’s be honest – what do the boys think?  I always hear that boys love long hair.  But they also love low-maintenance girls.  Long hair is high-maintenance!  Do boys realize that this is an oxymoron?

Anyway, now that I have a few boys-as-friends in my small-town life, I’m interested to see what they say, if they say anything at all.  I’ve also realized that sometimes boys don’t even notice a change in hairstyle, so that maybe answers the question.  They really don’t care about such things.

geekhiker says:

You know, before-and-after pictures would have really helped here. 😉 How short did you go? You didn’t get the Grace Jones cut, did you?

I’ll admit it, I still like girls with long hair. Part of what I dislike about dating in my thirties is I’ll see girls with BEAUTIFUL hair who get a “practical” cut. *sigh* And I understand full well that long hair is a pain in the rear but, hey, shaving every damn morning ain’t no walk in the park either. We all do things for beauty.

Personally, were I in a relationship, I’d go with the system you have now: grow it long, cut and donate, then grow it long again. Sounds like a pretty good compromise to me!

Misses M says:

Guys always like the long hair, even though it’s such a hassle! I cut my hair into the Victoria Beckham pixie cut before my daughter was born and I *love* it even though I never thought I would rock short hair. And my husband who though he was a long hair guy loves it, too… probably because my hair is no longer clogging the shower drain. I say if a guy likes long hair sooooo much, he should grow it himself and see how much fun it is to take care of.

Carrie’s bouncy short curls always made me wish for curly hair so I could do the same style.

Anon says:

I have super curly hair and can NEVER get my hair to look like Carrie’s. It’s such a bummer. Talk about high maintenance.. if I could pull off a short ‘do, maybe I would, but tight curls and pixie cuts do NOT go well together. Ah well. Misses M, sounds like a dream to not have to deal with the shower drain every morning!

geekhiker says:

Misses M – LOL In point of fact, I did have long hair in college. What can I say? I was a film student in San Francisco, plus it pissed off my Dad (and who doesn’t want to do that at 19?). Of course, I looked bloody terrible with it and it’s probably more responsible for my terrible college dating history than just about anything else, BUT: I HAVE been there and know what it’s like to care for! 🙂

Geekhiker,at the risk of coming across as a complete idiot… I don’t even know who Grace Jones is and had to google image her to see what she looks like. No, not that short. 🙂 If you google image “Carrie Bradshaw Season 5,” that’s a general idea of what my short hair looks like now. Except of course I can’t style it quite as awesome as hers. But glad you like my system as a compromise! I hope that works out whenever (if ever) I’m in a relationship again. And also, glad you have been there with the long hair! Ha!

Misses M, I LOVE that short Posh haircut. Cute! And I’m already loving the reduction in dealing with the shower drain.

Anon, yes, I’ve always had naturally curly/wavy hair and always kind of hated it because it’s too in the middle, so it takes effort to rock both the curly and the straight styles. Just can’t win.

Misses M says:

Anon: I always kept my hair long because I thought that was the easy thing to do but after I cut my hair I was like “OMG! Why didn’t I do this years ago!”… lol… it was life-changing.

Geekhiker: Since you had long hair then at least you can understand what it’s like to take care of it and you can understand why some girls just won’t do it. And I had a friend who grew his hair into a mullet just to irritate his mother. He was half Portuguese, so he had shiny straight black hair… his hair was butt-length before he finally got rid of the mullet. He looked AWFUL but it was totally worth it because it drove his mother crazy.

Oh, and like Butterflies I had to google Grace Jones, too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of her before. I’m pretty sure that hairstyle would only work on Mr. T.

And does it really even work on Mr. T…?

Misses M says:

LOL… I’m inclined to say no.

Haha! Good answer. And agreed.

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