Waiting for Butterflies

{April 29, 2010}   Best First Date Ever.

So, I promise I’ll get out of this ridiculousness at some point and write some of the posts I’ve promised in the past, e.g., the “Which SATC Guy Are You?” quiz and the one about guys not wearing their wedding rings.

But until then, I just have to report that Mr. Unintended and I went on what I am considering our first true date tonight.  Like I said in the previous post, we’ve hung out a couple of times  with just us, but I wouldn’t consider those times dates.  They were just hanging out.  Tonight, we went out for dinner at a nice place (well, what is considered “nice” in the small-town world anyway) and it was lovely.  I have to say that this slow/steady, friends-first thing has its benefits.  For example, the first date is totally un-awkward.  We already know how to talk to each other and how to make each other laugh, therefore no uncomfortable silences.  I am familiar with his mannerisms and know the things that he did and said that were typical for him and what things were date-special, therefore no over-analyzing.  We discussed the driving situation and the paying situation in advance, therefore no wondering.

Conclusion: Best first date ever.  Just saying.

{April 5, 2010}   Short hair and boys.

I got my hair cut recently.  It was at least halfway down my back and I decided to donate it to locks of love in favor of a new, short style.  I’ve done this a couple of times in the past as well, but it’s been a few years since I’ve had short hair.  To make yet another SATC reference, I modeled it after Carrie’s short hair in season 5.

Whenever I cut my hair, I feel simultaneously confident and unsure of it.  I usually get a lot of compliments, but is that because it is so different or because it actually looks nice?  I feel like it makes me look a little more sophisticated, which is nice because I sometimes get mistaken for a teenager, but let’s be honest – what do the boys think?  I always hear that boys love long hair.  But they also love low-maintenance girls.  Long hair is high-maintenance!  Do boys realize that this is an oxymoron?

Anyway, now that I have a few boys-as-friends in my small-town life, I’m interested to see what they say, if they say anything at all.  I’ve also realized that sometimes boys don’t even notice a change in hairstyle, so that maybe answers the question.  They really don’t care about such things.

I’ve been rewatching the fourth season of Sex and the City lately.  This is the season where Carrie gets back together with Aidan (and he is looking goooood).

I’ve always picked Aidan as my favorite SATC boyfriend (although Berger is a close second).  But Aidan is sweet, kind, hard-working, down-to-earth, and really loves Carrie.  Even though (spoiler alert) Carrie ends up with Mr. Big, I never really liked that guy.  I always thought he was kind of a jerk actually.  However, he was right for Carrie and Aidan wasn’t.  The more times I watch this season, the more I realize that they really didn’t even get along when they were back together.

But cutting to the chase, I’m not Carrie and therefore am pretty sure I would get along with Aidan, were he a real person.  And I’ve decided that if Mr. Unintended were an SATC boyfriend, he would definitely be Aidan.  He’s not all smooth, rich and cosmopolitan like Big.  He’s not all witty and cute like Berger.  He’s definitely not all artsy and exotic like the Russian.  He is just sweet, kind, hard-working, and down-to-earth.  He is a guy’s guy but is still gentle, likes the county and the quiet but will still visit the city, and is extremely loyal to his friends and family but still independent.

My kind of guy.

And for the record, no, I still haven’t really gotten anywhere with Mr. Unintended, but I had a girlfriend along with me when we were all hanging out as a group again tonight.  I hadn’t told her that I am interested in him but she called me on it within like ten minutes.  She later claimed that he likes me too, and that she could tell we were secretly flirting.  I’m not convinced she knows what she’s talking about, but the thought of it definitely puts a smile on my face.

{November 12, 2009}   Mr. Platonic

Now that Mr. Misinterpreted is out of my life and I’m getting over jerky way he “officially” ended things with me (Sex and the City Fans, think Berger and the post-it note), I’ve been surveying my options.

And things aren’t looking good.  The only consistent, quality guy I have in my life is Mr. Platonic.  I’ve been rethinking things a little bit, but there is just no attraction there!  Dude totally digs me, but I just can’t get it going for him!  Also, he’s a small-town country boy to the core.  While I grew up in a small town, and live in a small town now for work reasons, I have absolutely no intention of staying here.  I would resent whatever was making me stay.

Clearly, Mr. Platonic and I aren’t in the cards, but I’m still trying to figure out how to keep my distance while still keeping him as a friend.  I’ve told him once that I’m straight-up not interested in him like that, and other times I’ve hinted the same thing.  I try not to respond to his advances, but he keeps trying.

I’m just not sure what to do at this point.  I’m not usually on this side of things.  Usually I’m the one madly in love with a guy friend.  In those situations, I’m always wishing that said guy friend would just let me know whether or not he’s interested so I can move on.  I’ve done that with Mr. Platonic but things are still just plain awkward sometimes.

Men = trouble.

{September 25, 2009}   Here we go…

So I know what you’re thinking.  Another blog about the single life?  Stop the madness.  But just give me a chance.  I am in my twenty-seventh year of being single.  With no end in sight.  Let me share my stories.

By the way, the title of my blog was inspired by a Sex and the City quote:  “Some people are settling down, some people are just settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.”

et cetera